Exceptional Wines Delivered Directly to Your Door

Exceptional Wines are just a few clicks away!  These Exceptional Wines are delivered directly to your home for less than you pay at your local grocery store!  Each glass of these Exceptional Wines will give you a unique taste experience! Fine wine that costs less than grocery store wine!  Our relationships with expert wine makers and our distinctive brands will capture your taste buds!

NOW AVAILABLE IN the USAUnited Kingdom, Australia, and Germany.

fine winesDirect Cellars handles the call from wine novices to wine enthusiasts with unbelievable Customer Service and selections of Exceptional Wines! New selections are added each and every month.

fine winesWhether you are one that enjoys Reds, Whites, or both, these fine wines from Direct Cellars will satisfy your desires and likes.  There is a solution for you here with Direct Cellars.

Exceptional Wines are created around the Globe.  You owe it to yourself to try them.  And while going to these countries in person is the best experience, the next best thing is having them sent directly to you!  That is what you get with Direct Cellars.

Whether you want to just enjoy the Exceptional Wines yourself, or be a part of our Vision of Sharing this with others, this Presentation will explain the simplicity:

Go Here to Enroll and Get Exceptional Wines Delivered To Your Door

Get Access to Exceptional Wines From Around The Globe (That you wouldn’t be able to get otherwise)

fine winesThe World’s best wine makers, with the regions best grapes are working to make their craft.  You deserve to share in the flavor, the taste and the individual experience each  exceptional wine presents to you. Getting new wines from all over the Globe direct to you each month is the best way to consistently share in the greatness of these Exceptional Wines.

With access (some are exclusives) to the World’s Largest Wine Varieties, Direct Cellars is your solution and reward for your hard work in life.

fine winesHow about those romantic dinners or classical music in the park outings?  Ever go up the Canyon to enjoy a campfire, some dark chocolate, and oh… some really good Merlot?  If you haven’t, I highly recommend it!

Wine is an elixir of life.  It has been around for Centuries, a literal gift from the Gods.  Used to celebrate and reflect on ones life, achievements and special occasions. With Direct Cellars, you will be looking for those moments, because you will have something that makes each moment remarkable…Exceptional Wine.

Exceptional Wines Worthy of your Wine Cellar:

fine winesAs you build up your personal Wine Cellar – keep in mind that each month you will have the choice of what you experience now, and what you save for tomorrow’s experience.  Maybe an upcoming announcement, promotion or new achievement.  Life should be full of memories, and locking those in with the enhancement of an Exceptional Wine is, well… magical.

Enhance the party, gathering, or romantic party of two with “Direct to your Door Exceptional Wines” with your membership with Direct Cellars.fine wines

Start Here to get Exceptional Wines Delivered to you Monthly. 

Start Enjoying the Life Experiences You Deserve!

10 Healthy Benefits of Wine

We sip it with a nice dinner and enjoy it after a long day. When we gather for a celebration, it is always theree. Yes, we’re talking about wineWine is the center of happiness. It relaxes our mind and brings smiles to faces. Drinking wine can be good for your physical health when it comes to moderate consumption.

We’ve all heard that a glass of wine here and there is good for you, but how exactly does it contribute to your health? The ways seem almost endless. New studies appear to be constantly backing up the health benefits of drinking wine for moderate drinkers. From decreased mortality rate to attacking cancer cells, a little wine at the end of the day can go a long way when it comes to benefiting your health.

  1.  It contains Antioxidents –   In the battle against fighting off free radicals that cause terrible health problems such as cancer, wine could be your answer. Wine is full of antioxidants that attack free radicals when they are present. When choosing your wine for antioxidants, go with white.
  2. It boosts the Immune System –  While you need to eat healthy, drinking a glass of wine daily can give your immune system a boost. Moderate alcohol consumption can ward off infections and keep your immune system healthy.
  3. It increases Bone Density – As our bodies get older, our bones get more brittle. You could increase your calcium intake by drinking milk, or you can do yourself a real favor and sip on a relaxing glass of wine. Red wine has high levels of silicon, which is great for your bone mineral density. It increases the density and reduces the chance of osteoporosis. And like warm milk, it may help you doze off at night.
  4. It reduces the risk of Stroke – Moderate consumption of wine – and alcohol in general – can prevent blood clotting. Wine acts as a natural blood thinner, breaking up any blood clots that could lead to a stroke. This lower risk of blood clotting is more beneficial to females than males.
  5. It reduces the risk of Heart Disease – In the battle against heart disease, taking all necessary precautions is well worth it – especially when it involves wine. The tannins found in red wine contain procyanidins – phenols which neutralize free radicals – that have shown to be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease.
  6. It can lower Cholesterol – Have bad cholesterol and no dietary guidelines? Finish your day off with a glass of wine at night. Those procyanidins in red wine that promote a healthy heart also promote lower cholesterol.
  7. It reduces the risk of Type II Diabetes .  If you are at risk for type 2 diabetes, wine may help. Resveratrol has been proven to improve sensibility to insulin. With insulin resistance contributing to type 2 diabetes risk, a nice glass of wine makes the list of things you can enjoy.
  8. It reduces the risk of Cancer – A glass of wine can reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. The antioxidants combat nasty free radicals that allow cancer to thrive. Red wine especially is beneficial, as the resveratrol that fights against heart disease also fights against cancerous cells.
  9. It improves Cognitive Function – It may sound crazy, but drinking a glass of wine is like food for the brain. Drinking a single glass has shown to improve brain function. The chemicals in red wine prevent the brain’s neurons from dying off. As a result, it protects the brain from dementia while slowing the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  10. It promotes Longevity – When you hear about healthy living and longevity, often the Mediterranean diet comes up. At the core of that diet, beyond olive oil and vegetables, is wine. There is something magical inside the daily glass of wine that increases life span – resveratrol.


Go Here and Start Pouring Glasses of Experiences and Romance

Whether you want to just enjoy the Exceptional Wines yourself, or be a part of our Vision of Sharing this with others, this Presentation will explain the simplicity:

Go Here to Enroll and Get Exceptional Wines Delivered To Your Door